Would you like to see your youngster…
- Spend more time outside being active?
- Develop a sense of care and responsibility for another living being?
- Cultivate resilience for difficult but rewarding activities?
- Preserve a curiosity mindset towards learning?
- Invest in a hobby they can enjoy the rest of their lives?
Or are you reading this because your child is an animal lover or even horse crazy? 🙂
Welcome! This is the website specifically for the youth horsemanship programs at Starting Point Equestrian*, Pittsboro, North Carolina.
Available Kids’ Classes / Programs
- Pony Pals – classes for children ages 3-7
- Kids’ Pony School – a horsemanship program for kids ages 7-12
We also offer custom / private group classes for;
- Regularly scheduled class for home school or play groups,
- Short term program for Boy Scout or Girl Scout Horse Badges, or a 4H Project Books,
- Or a one-time private “Try It” class for home school groups, a family reunion vacation-type activity, or a birthday gift activity.
Affordable, Effective, and Fun Lesson Programs
The first version of Pony School started in 2007 as an affordable alternative to private riding lessons for elementary school kids (ages 6-10). Then the program expanded to teaching ‘pre-school’ kids (4-5 year olds).
After teaching these age groups for several years, it became clear that younger beginner kids need small, digestible chunks of information with short breaks. Social interaction with peers helped develop problem-solving skills (so the instructor wasn’t always hand-feeding instructions) and seemed to help with learning focus.
Young students also need compatible equine partners (and equipment), or lessons can become frustrating. Our current ponies are beginner-friendly, size-appropriate, and super cute!
These adjustments created a ‘win-win-win’: A lesson program that is affordable, effective, and fun!

Our Farm Facility
Our facility in Pittsboro has a fully enclosed barn / indoor riding arena for year-round lessons! When other riding lesson programs have to cancel because of the weather, we can continue classes year-round (hands-on with the ponies) in all but stormy weather. We’ve created a comfortable space for parents to watch their young equestrians.

*If you are looking for riding & horsemanship lessons for ages 13 to adults, beginner to strong intermediate level, check out Starting Point Equestrian’s main website.